
How To Build A Healthy Relationship With someone

How To Build A Healthy Relationship With someone

No Secrets
In a relationship where you want to live your mark, you don’t need to keep secrets. For a relationship to be healthy, you need to open up on things you have done in the past and the things you will possibly do in the future. Keeping secrets will only help to severe ties.

Consolation in Time of Depression
Now you can’t imagine your friend going through hard times and as a result feel depressed then you just ignore. No! You need to console because the person needs it. You never can imagine what depression can lead to; in some cases, depression can lead to suicide, fratricide, homicide and what have you. Giving some words of consolation can really do a lot of help than you can imagine. Saving someone from such guilt as mentioned above is worth building a relationship.

Don’t Be Self-Centered
Another word for self-centeredness is selfishness. When you don’t think only about yourself and give out, you will then discover that everybody wants to be around you. In continuity of this, you then become the favorite.

Not Too Harsh
I think you should use your temperament as a tool of bringing people close to you and not otherwise. When you are too sensitive to what you hear, it makes you become negative cause at every slight mistake the people around you make when talking, you pick an offense. With this you become unkind and cruel. Watch it!

The Dos and Don’ts
These are the likes and the dislikes of the people around you. If for example I tell you that I don’t like it when you laugh at me unnecessarily, it means “don’t” do it again. What if I say ‘you look beautiful” and you then replied me with a smile, it simply means I appreciate your compliment and am looking forward to hear “more”. For you to know this, it’s either you ask the people in question or you study them (the people).
Is there anyone on earth that does not appreciate honesty? No! And what is honesty? It is the quality of being honest which is; always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating.

Not Too Demanding
It becomes irritating when you crave for too much attention from others. In a situation where people around cannot meet up with your excessive demand, they become uncomfortable staying with you.

How To Build A Healthy Relationship With someone

Be Simple
Being simple is easy going, not being complicated? Let people understand not only you but also your behavior. The way you do things matters a lot and that includes your manners.

Make It Up To Them
See this “hey! Am little nervous to stay in class and that’s because I have not paid my tuition fee and I really don’t know what to do. Can you help me? You know this is my first time of asking you for a help”. If you have such money, you can help or you can be of little assistance in any other way. Don’t abandon them.

Don’t Hold Grudges
Forgive them if they hurt you without second thought. This breaks them down mostly if they are doing it on purpose.

Be Caring
Providing what they need for their health or protection builds up a relationship faster. Giving good thoughts to what they do is another beautiful instance.

Cheer Them

Just like in sports or other recreational activities.

How To Build A Healthy Relationship With someone

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